Budget Watch: Key agricultural commitments to be tracked in 2019
Tracking government promises
iWatch Africa as part of our effort to promote transparency and accountability will in 2019 continue our nationwide tracking of government’s commitments. This effort is critical in deepening the democratic process in Ghana by promoting responsible governance.
The government described the 2019 Budget as, “A Stronger Economy for Jobs and Prosperity,” promising to create over 200,000 skilled jobs as a result of it policies and programs in the agricultural sector.
Below are some top 10 agricultural commitments in the 2019 Budget which will be tracked by iWatch Africa throughout the year:
Planting for Food and Jobs Programme
- Government has promised to continue with the program with a target enrolment of one million farmers and registration of additional 500,000 farmers on the biometric farmer database system.
- In 2019, the government has promised to launch the livestock model of Planting for Food and Jobs called “Rearing for Food and Jobs” with the objective to increase the production of selected livestock, especially poultry.
- The construction 30 new warehouses (1,000mt capacity each) equipped with seed cleaners, dryers and weighing scales to minimize losses along the supply chain.
- The launch the Planting for Export and Rural Development (PERD) model of the Planting for Food and Jobs Programme. This is aimed at promoting selected tree crops including coconut, cashew, coffee, rubber, mango and oil palm, and diversifying from the dominant cocoa crop. The government promises distribute seedlings free of charge to farmers and will be implemented in 142 districts in all the 10 regions.
- In 2019, the government has promised to distribute 13,000mt of subsidized seeds for priority crops (cereals, legumes and vegetables) and 200,000 bundles of cassava planting materials; 438,900mt subsidized inorganic fertilizer and 30,000mt of organic fertilizers.
One Village, One Dam
- The commitment to construct 12 small dams under the One-Village-One-Dam programme as well as rehabilitation of the following dams; Sankana (UWR), Tanoso (BAR), Kpando-Torkor, (VR) Amate (ER), Libga and Golinga (NR) in 2019.
- Construction of 200 boreholes mounted with solar water pumps throughout the country to harness groundwater to increase access to water for crop and animal watering.
- In 2019, the government has promised to build two greenhouse villages will be at Akumadan in Ashanti Region and Kasoa in Central Region.
- Construction of two facilities worth US$216 million for import of farm machinery and equipment suitable for smallholders in 2019.
- The government has promised to promote sheep and piggery production by stocking the National Livestock Breeding Stations with 50,000 sheep and goats and 8,000 pigs to be distributed to 8,000 farmers.
As part of our mandate to undertake evidence-based, value for money assessment of government’s commitments to Ghanaians, iWatch Africa will carry out an extensive assessment of these key agricultural commitments as contained in the 2019 Budget.
By Gideon Sarpong | Policy and News Content Director