SURVEY: iWatch Africa Digital Rights Stakeholder Engagement
Digital Rights
iWatch Africa with support from the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA), through the Africa Digital Rights Fund (ADRF) is tracking, documenting and analyzing threats against journalists and rights activists within the digital ecosystem in Ghana. iWatch Africa will work closely with CHRAJ and other policymakers in Ghana to develop protocols to look at, among other things, internal psychological and legal support for journalists and rights activists; proper reporting of online harassment; community management and content forum moderation.
This questionnaire is developed to help iWatch Africa collect relevant data and engage key stakeholders to assist in developing our digital rights protocol for reporting online abuse and forum moderation. This initiative is part of our broader effort to counter online abuse and harassment of journalists and rights activists in Ghana.
Kindly click on the link below to fill the survey:
Survey Link: http://tiny.cc/soefpz